The giant inanimate rock imposes itself and the need for a reaction arises. A path, a response to the inertia that has been broken. Impossible to cross to the other side, useless to retrace the steps that lead to the starting point.
One of the challenges is to remain in the state of being demanded by these two proposals. An exercise reactive to the spectator's own installed performativity. We are instructed to nod as a sign that we have understood and to circulate. Here the proposal is to sustain the tension: "to bear the discomfort". The answers remain outside the aforementioned demand.
For a moment, speculation arises about reaching the summit, really getting to know the territory, overcoming the landscape. If the trail reaches this point, it can continue beyond. Of course, the difficulty changes. It seems elusive, virgin, indomitable.

Artist: Adriana Carambia - Florencia Nieto
Video Artist: Federico Kehm (Ke9e)
Lic. Federico de la Puente - CuratorĀ 
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